final fantasy 7 rebirth - Uma visão geral

Critics were divided on the narrative changes. Jason Schreier of Kotaku said that new characters may initially be "baffling" but "all serve either to help develop the main cast or to add life to Midgar itself", and pointed to sections in which Cloud visits Jessie's house as an example of the "delightful additions to the story", enhanced by due to the "top-notch voice acting and stunning views of Midgar". However, he noted that other changes "aren't all great", drawing attention to the sewers and the Sector 5 tunnel as examples of dungeons that were originally a few screens long, and can sometimes take an hour to finish in Final Fantasy VII Remake, thus feeling "tedious".


Tifa suggests Cloud make a name for himself as a mercenary at the Sector 7 slums, and gets him an apartment next to hers. Overnight, Cloud hears moaning from the room next door, and when investigating, finds it belonging to a delirious man wearing a dark cloak whom he hallucinates as Sephiroth. As he is about to attack, Tifa stops him, and Cloud realizes it was another hallucination. Tifa helps Cloud find work around the slums, and they find Tifa's friend, Johnny, being taken by Shinra's Public Security under suspicion of being connected to Avalanche.

Barret’s biceps are clearly massive when you see them in game. As an easy-to-understand comparison, the surface area of a cross section of Barret’s upper arm is around four times larger than Cloud’s.

Thus, we tried to make it so that the advantages and disadvantages from where you stand became important and allow players to think strategically about how to approach the fight over a comparatively long timespan.

In this standalone adventure for fans and newcomers, Cloud and his comrades venture across the planet, their fates unwritten, making each step outside the dystopian city of Midgar fresh and mysterious.

While unconscious Tifa hallucinates chasing Cloud who disappears into darkness, and recalls how she met him final fantasy 7 rebirth on the Sector 7 slums train station some time before he was hired into AVALANCHE. Cloud had been acting strange and claimed it had been five years since they'd last seen.

Many of the main characters come to outlive the people and the places they once used to identify with, struggling to fit in their current reality. Examples of this are Cloud and his past in Nibelheim and SOLDIER, Barret as the leader of AVALANCHE, Red XIII as the protector of Cosmo Canyon, and Cid as Shinra's aeronautical engineer. The cast is motivated by the loss of something that once defined them.

We put a number of unique FF references and Shinra promotion into the products being advertised to enhance immersion in the world of the game. That said, there were some designs that were rejected because they were too similar to advertising slogans used by real world companies.

Critics praised the game's writing and characterization, as well as the game's sense of humor. Aoife Wilson of Eurogamer said that familiar characters are "fizzing with new life and personality", saying that their depiction captures "the essence of what made them so iconic and enduring".[16] Heather Wald of GamesRadar said that the characters with the game's "biggest strength", filling out the experience with humor and heart-felt moments.

This sparks some memories in Cloud, but the mysterious ghostly beings eject them from the testing site before they can investigate any further.

Cid Highwind, the foul-mouthed, chain-smoking pilot of Rocket Town dreams of being the first man in space. His dreams were foiled when he was forced to abort the mission. Despite his bitter attitude, Cid has a good heart and cares about his friends.

Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII escape the Shinra Building via the expressway with vehicles stolen from the Shinra exhibition rooms, taking out numerous Shinra troops and robots sent out to pursue them. At the end of the expressway, they run into Sephiroth, who was waiting for them and everyone being able to see him now. Sephiroth cuts a passageway into thin air and disappears, telling Cloud to follow.

Wedge shows Aerith the way, but they part ways when Wedge leads the slum dwellers towards Sector 6 when a nervous Shinra Public Security soldier opens the gates against his superior's orders. Aerith finds her way to the bar even if the area becomes engulfed in flames from a downed Shinra helicopter.

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